Company Background
The initial tender started with The University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. UHB comprises of two main hospital sites delivering Acute and Emergency Care as well as being a Major Trauma Centre. The Trust has two further locations (housing finance, ICT and other support services). This is located at Five Ways, Birmingham.
The Hospital has over 11,000 employees and is also host to the Royal Centre of Defence Medicine (RCDM), treating all seriously injured British military personnel evacuated from overseas. UHB provides direct clinical services to nearly 800,000 patients every year; serving a regional, national and international population. It is a centre for cancer, trauma, renal dialysis, burns and plastics, and has the largest solid organ transplantation programme in Europe. Midway through the tender, circumstances changed following an announcement stating the trust would be soon merging with another. The second trust comprises of three main hospital sites delivering Acute and Emergency Care.
The NHS Trust went to tender because they had the requirement to meet 100% CQUIN compliance in their product offering.